A little over 2 months ago, I signed up for a 40-day kundalini meditation program for prosperity & it was life-changing! As some of you may know, I can be extreme at times and go all in and that was in part what drove me to make the commitment to do this. To fully go all in.

I have never done anything like this before and during those 40 days, I had all kinds of commitments & busy travel schedule and although this was a first for me, I was all in and nothing was going to stop me.
Meditation has been a part of my life for over a decade or so and I have always enjoyed it. I was ready for a challenge and most importantly I was ready to deepen my spiritual practice so I knew that if I signed up and made a commitment with a group of like-minded people, I was going to make it happen no.matter.what.
During those 40 days, I had all kinds of commitments & busy travel
schedule and although I had never something like this before
I was all in - nothing was going to stop me.
I am beyond proud to say that I DID IT! I meditated for 20 minutes every single day for 40 days. Whether it was a 4am wake-up call before I took the train to NJ to see Tony Robbins or a 11pm meditation right before going to bed…I did it!
One of the main benefits of Kundalini meditation is that it helps you raise your energy by opening up all of your chakras starting with the root chakra. Chakras are the 7 energy centers in your body in which energy flows through. It's super important to keep them open and not blocked because that can lead to illnesses and overall low energy. Curious about learning more about chakras? Click here to read a previous blog that I wrote all all about chakras.
Now, let's get down to business! Here are the main things that I learned during this 40-day journey.
Resistance showed up in the meditation on a weekly basis. Even though I was committed to it and motivated based on all the reasons I mentioned above; it did not matter because I felt resistant. Even at times the resistance felt like anger (like a 5-year having a tantrum). BUT I did not give in to it, I focused on the practice for that day and I conquered it.
Expect to experience resistance. No matter what, expect that you’ll feel resistance even if it is towards a project/goal that you are crazy passionate about. It’s normal, it’s part of our makeup as humans.
When it comes to resistance, the trick is to not give in or ignore it. Do not negotiate with resistance, you own your actions. When it gets intense and you are feeling super resistant towards taking action which may even trigger anger (like it happened to me) stick with the action at hand. Allow the anger to rise and then observe as it dissipates. Don’t try to fight resistance because that actually gives it more power. The best thing is to let it run its course. Observe, acknowledge it, get mad if you have to! and it flows right through. So get intimidate with your resistance and OWN IT when it shows up, like the rock star that you are.
Living in NYC, starting a business and planning a wedding can get at times intense and stressful. Also, I can be quick-tempered and get extremely frustrated in a matter of seconds. Can you relate?
While doing this program, I truly noticed how much stronger
I was getting internally and how much the external situations
were barely impacting me anymore.
A turning point during the 40-day journey was an experience I had in the NYC subway. I was on my way to teach a cycling class and the train schedule for that day had changed but the updates were not announced ANYWHERE. I kept waiting and waiting and no train. I ended up taking a taxi and almost did not make it to class! (But I did and ROCKED IT!) Normally these types of incidents tend to completely throw me off for hours & to be honest PISS ME OFF. Instead, I literally saw myself wanting to get worked up (habitual response) but internally I wasn’t experiencing any feelings of anger or frustration. I thought to myself "this is unusual..." and then I realized wow this meditation and centering on a daily basis DOES WORK! It felt so freeing not to let my anger control the rest of the day. Don’t get me wrong, I am no Buddha but I feel so much calmer and stronger on the inside. This was a game-changer in my life.
The past 40 days I’ve encountered the most genuine and helpful people. From baristas asking if I wanted an extra shot of espresso (on the house) to receiving unexpected checks in the mail, getting a bunch of amazing workout clothes from a close friend for no reason at all. I mean the list goes on and on.
I was getting so excited thinking wow this works! And it quickly dawned on me…it works because I work it. It works because I’m putting it the work, because I’m being consistent with the daily practice.
Prosperity was flowing easily into my life and I was welcoming it with arms wide open! The gifts and sweet gestures felt incredible but I learned that those things were added bonus, the cherry on the top if you will. What I learned is that prosperity comes from within. How you act with yourself, how you interact with other people, how you bring value to those around you. The gifts and material things are the effect of the cause which lives within.
This kundalini practice was powerful. On a spiritual level, here's what I experienced:
During those 40-days, I broke through limiting beliefs and blocks that were holding me back. Some of them, I wasn't even consciously aware of them until they came to the surface.
I feel lighter in spirit and stronger within.
I learned that prosperity is not all related to money or financial wealth but it starts from within. The seed to living a prosperous life starts from the heart and the unwavering desire to commit to that life-style.
Consistence is key to success. As simple as it sounds. Think about it: How consistent are you towards the things that you are successful at versus the things that you aren't? Once you take action and become consistent, you will see results.
This was such a life-changing journey for me that I decided to partner with the amazing host of the program Ashley Watson as an affiliate* for her upcoming 40-day kundalini meditation focused on manifestation! I will be doing the journey with you and the amazing group of like-minded people that are ready to break through anything that is holding them back!
The focus for the next 40-day program is all about manifesting! It begins on September 10th. If you are interested & this is calling your name, email me at empower@stephanievirchaux.com and I will personally send you the info and the amazing bonus that I am including and that you will receive by enrolling in the program through me!
Through this journey, I didn’t win the lottery or received a million dollar check from an auntie that I never knew I had BUT I did discover the meaning of prosperity which I something that I will have with me for the rest of my life!
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Would love to hear them all! Comment below or email me at empower@stephanievirchaux.com.
Wishing you an empowered week!
*As an affiliate of Ashley Watson's Kundalini Meditation Program, I may earn a referral fee if you purchase the program through me.